Every so often I open up my photo album and take a stroll down memory lane. My grandmother in her art room doing what she loved the most. My mother holding my teddy bear while I ran from our picnic to play on the swings. The moment I became a mother and held my son for the very first time… and the sun behind me, lighting up my veil as my brother walked me down the aisle to the man I would marry moments later. I cherish these memories, and to see them again brings back the feelings from those moments. Life is beautiful and it goes by so fast (despite what we thought when we were younger!) The legacy we create to remember when we are older, and for our loved ones to look back on when we are no longer here, is something no words could ever describe… yet they can be felt when we hold those photographs in our hands. 
I have always loved documenting memories, even long before I had a nice camera or understood why or how to take a technically correct photograph. As I became more passionate about photography I discovered how much I love providing others with the same lasting memories as well. It is truly an honor to know that my brief moments in their lives will carry on with their families forever.
 As Dr. Seuss wisely said, “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.
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